THE JOE ALON CENTER is an institute with a unique combination of museum,
research center,and field school, all dedicated to the promotion of regional studies.
The center was established by the B'nai Shimon Regional Council,
with the generous assistance of the J.N.F. and individual donors, to Commemorate Joe Alon
It was officially opened in 1980 and is operated by the B'nai Shimon Regional Council,
and various support groups. The Museum for Bedouin Culture was officially opened in 1985.
The Center is located in the northeastern Negev, in the highest part of the
southern Shephelah, at approximately 500 meters above sea level. Set
against Bedouin tents and modern settlements, it is in the heart of an area
rich in archaeology and scenic beauty, at a distance of only one and a half
hour's travel from both Tel aviv and Jerusalem, and half an hour from Be'er Sheva.
The center devotes its activity to the area between Mount Hebron in the east
to the Coastal Plain in the west, Lachish Region in the north and Be'er Sheva
Valley in the south.
This region, which remained relatively undeveloped until 1967, is unique since it lies where the flora and fauna of the hill country, the coastal plain and the desert meet. A region with modern and old fashion agriculture, nomadic bedouin tents and permanent farming villages (Fellahin).
[Joe Alon the Pilot]
[Joe Alon Center]
[Bedouin Culture]
[Droma museum]
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